Flexible Working

Flexible working is the future of business with the majority of employees wanting the freedom to decide when and where they want to work. Working from home, adaptable working hours, coworking space, and meeting rooms are all becoming popular solutions to help employees gain additional flexibility over their work. Knowing what flexible working means for your business, office space and employees is more important now than ever before. Learn how it will shape and improve your business in the near future by getting advice, top tips, and guides about flexible working from the Easy Offices Blog.

coworking space
Reading Time: 5 minutes

What is a Coworking Space?

With more and more businesses realising the benefits of working remotely and not being tied to a single location, we’re seeing an influx of workers turning to coworking spaces and shared offices. In fact, it’s estimated that almost five million people will be working from a coworking space by 2024.  …

What is a Coworking Space? Read More

Flexible Working